Sunday, May 27, 2007


No, I am not saying "yay" I am saying "ya". Pronounced "yah". And actually as a matter of fact, truthfully saying so, I am not even saying anything, if I do say so myself. I am typing. Anyway, anywho, where was I? Ah yes, I was saying so myself. As I was saying so myself, I am not truthfully saying so I am not even typing as a matter of factuality, If I do say I am not saying it isn't truthfully so as a matter of fact. Anyway, anywho, where was I? Ah yes, I was saying so myself that if I do say so myself, I am not not truthfully actually as a matter of fact saying anything, and certainly not "yay". As a matter of fact I wasn't even saying "yay" in the first place. This post has nothing to do with the word "yay" In the first place I was saying "yah". No actually, as a matter of fact I was saying "ya" wich is pronounced "yah" but is not actually in the least bit like "yay". Anyway, anywho where was I? Ah yes.................

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